Ventura IT gives away a free 6 page website, to a qualifying 501c3 non-profit/charity every 90 days and a 90 minutes of free technical consultation (via email only, no telephone.) To apply use the contact form to get in touch with us.
Terms and conditions: To qualify, the organization must be a charity non-profit with federal 501c3 status finalized and be in current operation. Ventura IT will select the recipient of the free website based on a “first-come first-serve” basis. Sometimes Ventura IT gets very busy. If Ventura IT is too busy then this service will not be available and you will be notified that Ventura IT is too busy and invited to apply in the next 90 day period. All website information must be emailed to Ventura IT in one single RFP document inside a single ZIP file, other formats or multiple files will be ignored. By accepting the qualified charity agrees to provide a permanent and lasting link to http://venturait.com from the main page of the their website. There will be no telephone or in person consultations or communication in relation to this free service. Website is limited to 1500 words per page maximum, 3 photos/videos per page maximum, any videos must be hosted on YouTube, 1 contact form with no more than 5 fields, no interactive programming or scripts. Ventura IT will complete the website in one step, based on the RFP document provided by the non-profit organization, and publish the final website online. There s no review process provided, the customer must accept the work as is and coordinate any changes, modifications, and updates with Ventura IT by getting an estimate for additional requested work from Ventura IT. Ventura IT remains the owner of the website and it’s content. Ventura IT does not allow outside web designers (freelancers, or other companies, volunteers) to work on the website. For security purposes only Ventura IT can access or provide future web design or any work on the website. These terms may change so check back here frequently to be notified. By accepting sending your RFP to Ventura IT for the free website service you legally bind yourself and your organization/company to these terms and conditions. If the applying non-profit organization already has a website that they don’t want to change then they can alternately apply for a free Google Ranking SEO review by Ventura IT. Ventura IT will email them recommendations to help them rank better in search engines, any other SEO services are charged at Ventura IT’s normal rate. All applicants receive a free month of social media marketing management in Twitter.